This month, I sent goodies to a very nice girl in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the package I sent before it went out. (I'll remember next month!) I had a blast making yummy stuff and picking out local treats to send. I made whole wheat chocolate chip cookies, Bailey's Irish Cream brownies, and coconut-lemon cupcakes with lemon buttercream frosting, although the coconut kind of overpowered the lemon. I included a jar of strawberry-rhubarb preserves from a farm that my family's been going to since before I can remember and a bottle of blackberry honey from a local honey farm that we discovered a couple of years ago. I think I'm going to make the honey a regular part of my packages.
The goodie box I received was awesome! I got it from someone in Buffalo, NY. She sent me a bunch of local specialties that I'm super excited about!
There are maple candies, honey-caramel turtles, hot sauce, barbeque marinade, horseradish mustard, and a chili spice mix for chili dogs. So much YUM! Also, she sent me a bunch of super cute recipe cards!
I love doing Foodie Pen Pals, and I can't wait to do it next month!